Blog Post Assignment for December 7th


For Language and Lit:

Produce a multi-modal blog post that captures one of Macbeth’s tragic flaws: being too ambitious. Use modern and classical examples of people who share the flaw and show the effects it has on people around them.

For Composition:

Produce a multi-modal post that compares two or more things, like vacation places.

For English 2:

Produce a multi-modal post that romanticizes nature, beauty or the imagination. Be creative!

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Blog Post Topic for October 13th

time-managementWhen do you typically write your blog post?

A few days before deadline?

The night before?

The hour before?


The blog post assignment topic for October 13th should be about the values of time management. It will be interesting to see how many students manage their time and publish their posts by the deadline on A day.

This is the topic for all classes. Remember to put together a multi-modal package, not just a paragraph of written text.

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