30 Days of Poetry

Assignment: Complete the poetry task for each of the thirty poems by posting them onto your blog each day. Be sure to identify which type of poem you have created. You may write these in any order you like but must do all 30 by December 8th  to receive credit for the unit.

This unit courtesy of msrogers.com

: Concrete Poetry Day 16: Writing About Weather
Day 2:  Synonym Poetry Day 17: Month Metaphors
Day 3: Opposites Day 18: Image Poems
Day 4: List Poems Day 19: Sense Poems
Day 5: Three Word Forms Day 20: Contrast Poetry
Day 6: I Don’t Understand… Day 21: Object Poem
Day 7: Just Because… Day 22: First Lines/Last Lines
Day 8: I Am…(version 1) Day 23: Bull Durham Credo
Day 9: I Am…(version 2) Day 24: Japanese-like Poems
Day 10: Diamonte Day 25: Write About Yourself/Others
Day 11: Cinquain Day 26: Rhetorical Questions
Day 12: Portraits and Pals Day 27: Pantoum
Day 13: Formula Poems Day 28: Sestina
Day 14: More Formula Poems Day 29: Performance Poetry
Day 15: Emotions and Actions Day 30: Chap Books
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